
“mosquitoes are more likely to bite people with type o blood (o型血).” have you heard someone say this before? it’s not true!

i’m not very picky (挑剔的) about blood types. in fact, i cannot tell which blood type you are. only doctors can do that. so how do i choose who to bite?

i can smell the carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) on people’s breath. the more you breathe out, the more easily i can find you. this means larger and fatter people are more likely to get my “kiss”.

i can also find food by smelling. you play outside and start sweating (出汗) all over. i can smell the lactic acid (乳酸) in your sweat. so yummy!

i also use my eyes to find food. but my eyesight (视力) is not very good. if you are trying to avoid me, do not wear colors such as black, red or dark blue.

it’s only females who have a taste for blood. they need it for their eggs. male mosquitoes do not bite. for a proud mosquito mother, not just any blood will do.

1.mosquitoes cannot _____

a.smell anything b.tell blood types c.see anything d.breathe

2.mosquitoes are more likely to bite people _____.

a.who wear white clothes b.who are short and thin

c.who just finished exercising d.who smell sweet

3.what do we know about mosquitoes?

a.male mosquitoes live on carbon dioxide.

b.mosquitoes like strong and sweet smells.

c.mosquitoes drink all types of blood.

d.only male mosquitoes bite  people.

4.what can we learn from the text?

a. why male mosquitoes bite.

b. how to kill mosquitoes.

c. who mosquitoes like to bite.

d. what mosquitoes can smell.

a.a. b b.c. d c.a. c d.b. d

