
gift-giving, table manners: what’s acceptable at home doesn’t necessarily apply in other countries. here are 8 distinctive customs to use as your passport to new experiences and friendships.

avoid giving certain flowers in russia

be careful when presenting flowers to a friend or business associate in russia. yellow blooms signify deceit(欺骗) or a relationship break-up. skip red carnations, too. traditionally, red carnation are placed on the grave of the dead.

don’t expect a “thank you” card for these gifts in china

clocks, straw sandals(草鞋) are all associated with death and funerals in china. deemed inappropriate and morbid, you’ll risk damaging relationship if you present these gifts-for any occasion-to someone in china.

skip the salt in egypt

when tucking into a meal in egypt, by-pass the saltshaker. it’s insulting(侮辱的) to your host to sprinkle salt on your food. if you have to season your plate, it means that you find the meal’s taste disgusting.

don’t show up on time in venezuela

here’s one place where being early or on time is viewed as being rude. in venezuela if you are invited to someone’s home for a meal, it’s recommended that you arrive 10-15 minutes later than the requested time. early or on time guests are viewed as being too eager, even greedy(贪婪的).

always use a knife and fork in norway

in norway, table manners are extremely important. most meals, including sandwiches, are eaten using utensils(餐具).

be “blunt” in the netherlands

gift giving should be a happy, positive experience. when selecting a present for someone in the netherland, don’t purchase fancy kitchen knives or scissors. giving sharp, pointy objects as gifts is considered unlucky.

red equals dead in korea

writing a lot of cards or notes while visiting south korea? be mindful of your pen’s ink color. scrawling(潦草地写) a person’s name in red ink traditionally signifies that the person is deceased, which means dead.

stick to the sauna(桑拿浴) in finland

in finland, saunas are a preferred way to relax and socialize with family and friends. don’t be surprised if your business meeting is followed up with an invite to let off some steam in a local sauna. if you receive such a request, rest assured that your business meeting went well.

1.being on time can be seen as a merit in many countries, but in __________, it can be considered as rude.

a.china b.russia c.norway d.venezuela

2.the word “blunt” means ________.

a.钝的 b.坦率的 c.精致的 d.锋利的

3.if you are offered a sauna in finland after a business meeting, it means ________.

a.the business goes well.

b.you will have trouble in doing business.

c.the owner thinks that you should clean yourself.

d.you must do business in another place.

4.which of the following is true?

a.sending yellow flowers or carnation is proper in russia.

b.in egypt, put salt on your food in front of our host means you like the food very much.

c.if you are chinese, you’ll be happy to receive a clock as a gift.

d.you should avoid writing people’s name in red ink in a gift card in korea.

