
it’s one of the greatest sitcoms(情景喜剧) ever made, loved by millions of fans all over the world.

in fact, ever since friends ended its 10-year run in 2004, the world has been dying for a reunion. but now, it may be the time. the hollywood reporter reported that the six cast members and the show’s creators were now in talks to reunite on hbo max last month.

the news generated excitement. “it’s been nearly 25 years ... but the fascination (魅力) and universal appeal (吸引力) of the hit tv series lives on with fans of all ages,” peter van roden, a us emmy-award winning producer, told entertainment weekly.

but why has a show with 10 years of episodes become one of the most re-watched tv programs ever?

writing at cs monitor, critic cathaleen chen said friends was special for its “lighthearted pleasantries (轻松愉快)”.

in the show, the six characters spend most of their free time in the now iconic (标志性的) central perk coffee shop. instead of zany (搞笑的) storylines, the characters often make us laugh through their natural conversation. with six different personalities, it’s natural that there will be fights and arguments, but they usually reunite and help each other.

indeed, many viewers love the show for its relaxing nature. “friends was nothing more than a very funny, anxiety-free sitcom,” salon’s willa paskin wrote on the 20th anniversary of the show in 2014. “the pure pleasure-giving sitcom has never been a rare thing.”

it’s about more than just pleasure, though. friends also reflected (反映) the realities faced by young people entering adulthood.

watching the show feels like reading the story of a young person’s life, said british lecturer brett mills.

“it’s about people working out how they are going to live their lives – what kind of relationships they are going to have, what kind of job, and the difficulties of settling down,” mills told the daily mail.  “you’ve asked all those questions about escaping from your family, becoming an adult and working out what you want to be.”

1.what do we know about friends after reading the first two paragraphs?

a.its six main actors will have a reunion.

b.its creators wanted it to play again on tv.

c.it will be made into a hollywood film.

d.it has more fans than ever before.

2.what makes friends popular with viewers, according to chen?

a.its amusing storylines.

b.the personalities of the characters.

c.its funny and relaxing atmosphere.

d.the fights and arguments between the characters.

3.what can viewers learn from friends, according to mills?

a.how to find simple pleasures in everyday life.

b.how young people choose to live their lives.

c.what kind of job is the most suitable for them.

d.how to avoid difficulties the characters have experienced.

4.what is the best title of the passage?

a.a ‘friends’ reunion b.the best sitcoms

c.viewers love “friends” d.“friends” reflects reality

