本卷共 24 题,其中:
单选题 10 题,补全对话5选5 1 题,完型填空 2 题,阅读判断 1 题,阅读单选 2 题,根据首字母填空 5 题,补全短文6选5 1 题,信息归纳 1 题,书信作文 1 题
简单题 2 题,中等难度 18 题,困难题 4 题。总体难度: 中等
单选题 共 10 题
  1. —who lives in ________ apartment called happy time on bridge street in my class?

    —tom does.

    a.a b.an c.the

    难度: 简单

  2. the boy didn't realize his mistake ________the teacher had a long talk with him.

    a.until b.because c.after

    难度: 中等

  3. ________milk and cheese, we also need some vegetables and fruit for our salad.

    a.except b.without c.besides

    难度: 中等

  4. the factory ________we'll visit next week is not far from here.

    a.who b.where c.which

    难度: 简单

  5. we need to ________a plan to tell all the students about our english festival.

    a.look forward to b.come up with c.fall in love with.

    难度: 中等

  6. jack has just had lunch. he ________be hungry now.

    a.can't b.mustn't c.needn't

    难度: 中等

  7. she really loves reading. every year plenty of her pocket money ________in buying books.

    a.will be spent b.was spent c.is spent

    难度: 中等

  8. an art show will be held in june in chengdu art museum, but ________knows the date for sure.

    a.nobody b.everybody c.somebody

    难度: 中等

  9. —did you see mr. brown yesterday afternoon?

    —no. when i got to school, he ________.

    a.left b.had left c.has left

    难度: 困难

  10. —miss gao, can you tell me ________?

    —yes. just as president xi says, “happiness is achieved through hard work.”

    a.how we can find happiness b.when we can find happiness c.who can help us find happiness.

    难度: 中等

补全对话5选5 共 1 题
  1. a: hello, mary, you don't look well. what's up?

    b: oh, i'm very busy and tired.

    a: 1.

    b: we are going to have the graduation exam next week, but i'm not ready for it.

    a: 2.you have been studying hard, i know.

    b: but i'm still not sure of myself.

    a: 3.that will help you relax.

    b: that sounds good.4.

    a: and you should go to bed as usual and have a good sleep.

    b: 5.

    a.take it easy!

    b.i'll have a try.

    c.thank you, i will.

    d.what's the problem?

    e.why not listen to some light music?

    难度: 中等

完型填空 共 2 题
  1. in 20 years, i think i'll be a newspaper reporter. i will live in shanghai, because there will be more jobs in that city. as a reporter, i think i will_______lots of interesting people, so i'll have more friends. i will have_______pets, though, because i'll have less free time. and my apartment will be no_______for pets because it'll be too small. so i will probably just keep a bird._______the week, i'll wear smart clothes. on the weekend, i'll look less smart_______i'll be more comfortable. in the future, people will work more so they will probably have fewer vacations, but i think i'll take a holiday in hon kong when possible. one day i'll even go to australia.

    1.a.invite b.meet c.thank

    2.a.fewer b.more c.better

    3.a.useful b.good c.harmful

    4.a.before b.after c.during

    5.a.but b.so c.or

    难度: 中等

  2. it was last june. i entered a supermarket when a young man asked me, “can you tell me where the milk counter (柜台) is?” “well, it's in the right corner,” i replied. picking up my things, i came to the milk counter and saw the same man_______almost 10 bottles of milk. i asked, “do you need a trolley (手推车)?” “sure, thank you." he answered. i was_______he was still picking and after a while his trolley had 24 bottles of milk. “why so many bottles?”i asked. “oh, these are for my street dogs. today, i want to be a santa for them.” he smiled. “well, it's too_______for you to be a santa. it is still june.” i said. he_______at me and walked a few steps. it seemed he wanted to say something but he left without a word._______, we met again at the bread counter. “so these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs, mr. santa.” he smiled, “yes. these are also for them and i love to be mr. santa in june. santa is a symbol of surprises and_______.he comes in december as we_______him around christmas. but in real life there is a santa in each one of us that shines through our personality at some point of time. maybe when you offered me a trolley, there was a_______santa in you. when we offer food to a hungry man or a(n)_______to someone caught in the rain, we are being santa there.”

    he left and i was happy that i had met him. santa can come before christmas. we just need to realize that he is around us by________happiness and unconditional love.

    1.a.putting b.choosing c.holding

    2.a.surprised b.excited c.sad

    3.a.easy b.early c.helpful

    4.a.turned b.laughed c.pointed

    5.a.suddenly b.luckily c.hopefully

    6.a.love b.success c.friendship

    7.a.call b.show c.expect

    8.a.lost b.hidden c.forgotten

    9.a.camera b.umbrella c.apple

    10.a.storing b.increasing c.spreading

    难度: 中等

阅读判断 共 1 题
  1. the sydney opera house is a very famous building in the world. it has become sydney's best-known landmark and international symbol. the opera house with a “sailing roof” was designed by a famous danish architect(建筑师),utzon. the base of the building was started in 1959, years before the designs were finished. utzon spent four years deigning the opera house. in 1962, the designs were finalized(定稿) and the construction began. in 1967, they started the decoration inside. it took 14 years in total to build the opera house. queen elizabeth ii officially opened it on october 20th,1973.

    the sydney opera house cost around $100 million and was paid for by the public. 6.225 square metres of glass was used to build it. the opera house includes 1,000 rooms. it is 185 meters wide. the building's roof sections weigh about 15 tons. each year, this fantastic building attracts 200,000 tourists to come for a visit or enjoy events in it.

    the opera house reaches out into the harbor. it is amazing and unforgettable, offering people a strong sense of beauty.

    1.the designer of the sydney opera house was a famous danish architect .

    2.building the opera house lasted from 1962-1973.

    3.the public donated money to build the sydney opera house.

    4.tourists pay a visit to the opera house only for its fantastic beauty.

    5.the passage is mainly about how the sydney opera house was built.

    难度: 困难

阅读单选 共 2 题
  1. the baby elephant, sheila, was moved out of belfast zoo because of fears she might be hit by bombers (轰炸机) during the belfast blitz (闪电战) of 1941.

    she was one of the lucky ones. a lot of the animals were killed because of fears they might run away and attack people during the bombing. they included a tiger, a black bear, a wolf, and two polar bears.

    but sheila was walked down the road by zoo-keepers to a nearby house where a woman took her in and kept her in her backyard for several months until the bombing was over.

    no one knows the woman's name and the zoo knows her only as “the elephant angel”. as the zoo celebrates its 75th birthday, people have decided to try to find the elephant's saver. mark challis is the manager of belfast zoo. he explained a bit more about sheila's story.

    “well, we know that sheila spent some time living with a lady near to the zoo and we have one sweet photo, you can see it on our zoo website.”

    “in the photo you can see the elephant with the lady in her back garden and that's almost all we know. so we're just trying to find more information and we are not even sure if the lady is alive today, but maybe her relatives or somebody will recognize the back of that house and we can fill in some details on this story.”

    once the bombing was over, sheila went back to the zoo and lived for another quarter of a century. she died of a skin disease in 1966.

    1.what happened to those unlucky animals in the zoo before the bombing?

    a.they were taken to a safe place .

    b.they started to attack people.

    c.they were killed.

    2.which of the following is true according to paragraph three?

    a.the zoo keepers walked the elephant to a nearby house.

    b.a lady walked the elephant and kept her in the backyard.

    c.the elephant run away and a lady found her finally.

    3.what information do people have about “the elephant angel”?

    a.she owned a zoo website.

    b.she used to live close to the zoo.

    c.she is still alive.

    4.why was the photo posted on the website?

    a.to attract more visitors to the zoo.

    b.to celebrate the zoo's birthday.

    c.to find “the elephant angel”.

    5.what caused the elephant's death?

    a.a kind of illness. b.an accident. c.a bombing.

    难度: 中等

  2. calvin waited outside trudy's bedroom. then it happened a scream, a very loud scream. calvin ran to his room and threw himself into bed.

    he heard mama coming down the hall.

    “did you do this?” his mother asked. calvin looked out from under the covers. his mother stood over him, holding a rubber spider.

    “do what?” he asked.

    “you put that thing in my bed,” trudy told him, stepping out from behind mama.

    “don't think that just because it's your birthday you can get away with something like this,” mama scolded (责骂).

    “you do want your present, don't you?” that swept the smile off calvin's face.

    “course i do,” he said.

    “then you apologize(道歉)”

    calvin dropped his head. “sorry trudy,” he muttered (嘟囔)

    “here,” mama said. “happy birthday.” at the breakfast table she handed calvin an envelope. inside were tickets to the show of lomax the magnificent, the world. famous magician. “you've got two tickets there,” mama said, “and i know someone who'd rally love to go along.”she smiled at trudy,

    “you don't mean here, do you?” calvin asked, eyeing his little sister.

    “well, that would be really nice. but those tickets are yours. if you want to ask somebody.” calvin didn't wait for his mother to finish. he rushed out of the house to call rodney, his pal next door, that the two of them were going to see lomax the magnicent.

    1.who screamed at the beginning?

    a.calvin. b.calvin's sister. c.calvin's friend.

    2.calvin apologized to trudy__________.

    a.unwillingly b.truly c.happily

    3.calvin received his present__________.

    a.in the dining room b.in his bed c.inside the theatre

    4.calvin's mother wanted calvin to__________.

    a.ask his friend to the show

    b.find out what his friend thought

    c.do what she thought was right

    5.what is the best title for this passage?

    a.trudy's spider b.mother's tickets c.calvin's birthday

    难度: 中等

根据首字母填空 共 5 题
  1. the match is full of the u__________. we really don't know which team will win.

    难度: 困难

  2. it has not been rainy for long. we can see the b__________of the river now.

    难度: 中等

  3. amy is an i__________to all who knows her. she built herself a house out of rubbish.

    难度: 中等

  4. we can't a__________to upset such an important customer.

    难度: 中等

  5. have you ever r__________talking back to your parents in a rude way?

    难度: 中等

补全短文6选5 共 1 题
  1. “feel bored staying at home? so does the virus.1. "this is how zhang wenhong advised people to stay indoors during the outbreak of covid-19(新冠肺炎),as the head of the shanghai expert team, zhang has become an internet celebrity (名人) due to his funny and straightforward way of talking.

    he first caught people's attention in late january, when he asked the members of the communist party (共产党员) in his department to go to the frontline hospitals. “when becoming party members, we vowed(发誓) that we would always put people's interests first,” zhang said. “this is the moment we live up to the vow.2.no bargaining(讨价还价).” his determination and the way of speaking quickly won praise across the country.3.“i do it in person because i need to encourage other coworkers,” he told the media.

    zhang believes in the traditional chinese idea that “the best doctors prevent the disease” .that's why he spares no efforts in spreading scientific knowledge on how to prevent the epidemic(流行病)4.he and his team also update their wechat account every day with timely analyses(分析) of the epidemic. one of his articles got more than 10 million hits. but zhang might not care about his sudden fame. when asked about his feelings after becoming famous, zhang told the media, “5.pay attention to wuhan. i'm not a celebrity. i'm a doctor.”

    a.don't pay attention to me.

    b.fighting the virus with humor.

    c.all party members must rush to the frontlines.

    d.if you stay longer, the virus will be bored to death.

    e.his sense of humor has made it easier for the knowledge to reach the public.

    f.meanwhile, as a party member himself, zhang set an example by checking on patients every day.

    难度: 中等

信息归纳 共 1 题
  1. which animals are smart? your answer may be dogs, monkeys or elephants. now we can put one more animal into the list: sheep.

    scientists from cambridge university said that they can teach sheep to tell familiar (熟悉的)human faces from other unfamiliar ones.

    before testing, scientists let the sheep take a look at pictures of four famous people, such as barack obama and british actress emma watson. then the sheep went into a room with two computer screens. each screen showed a human face. one screen showed a famous person and the other screen showed a common person。the sheep would always walk to the screen with the face of famous persons.

    then, the scientists wanted to know the sheep's ability to recognize(认出) them from a photo. they put their own photos on screens along with some pictures of unfamiliar(不熟悉的) faces. not surprisingly, the sheep could tell the scientists from others.

    after noticing the animals' ability to recognize people, scientists gave them a new job. they wanted to see the farm animals' ability to recognize the same person if the picture only showed half of the person's face or just one side of a person. the animals were still able to recognize them, though they were a little slower to recognize the pictures than before.

    the results show that the animals' face-recognition( 面部识别) abilities are similar to those of monkeys and humans. face recognition is a difficult job. but sheep have big brains(大脑). when they see other sheep, they can also recognize one another.

    the scientists said it might be interesting in the future 10 find out whether sheep can recognize different human facial expressions(表情)

    unusual smart animal-the sheep

    scientific 1.

    ★sheep's face-recognition abilities were similar to those of monkeys and humans.

    ★sheep's big brain2.in the face recognition job.

    a set of tests that 3.got harder

    ★to tell famous persons from common persons

    the sheep were asked to choose between photos of famous and common persons. and they always walked to the photos of famous persons.

    ★to recognize the persons around them

    scientists put their own pictures into the tests. and the sheep could tell them from others as 4.

    ★to recognize the same person from different sides

    the sheep were shown only half or one side of a person's face.

    and they spent a 5.to finish the job successfully.

    ★to recognize human facial expressions

    the interesting test would be done in the future.

    难度: 困难

书信作文 共 1 题
  1. 假如你叫李华,今年由于新冠肺炎爆发,学校延迟开学,学生居家抗击疫情。你的国外笔友bob发来email,想知道你在居家隔离期间做了些什么(关注疫情、线上学习、积极锻炼、帮做家务、博览群书)。请回信告知并谈谈自己的感受。

    参考词汇:新冠肺炎爆发the outbreak of covid-19 疫情epidemic

    注意: 1.回信须包含提及的所有要点;


    3.词数: 100左右。

    dear bob,

    how's it going?



    li hua

    难度: 中等
